Become an MSAA Affiliate
Affiliation with the MSAA for Clubs & Pro Shops
The MSAA wants to help your club or archery business succeed by not only sharing your mission of protecting and promoting archery but by improving your ability to rise funds and to gain important exposure.

MSAA Affiliate Information
When a club or pro-shop affiliates with the MSAA, it creates strength in numbers, a sense of archery community, and a pool of resources that drives positive archery change throughout the state.
The dedication of MSAA members is also very high and when they come into your club or pro-shop they will be looking for the very latest and best archery equipment.
To share in the benefits of MSAA affiliation, clubs can:
Join with 50% of their membership becoming MSAA members
Join with 100% of their membership becoming MSAA members
A $15 charter fee for either.
If a club joins as a 100% affiliate they will get a $5 discount per individual membership and all affiliated clubs have voting power in the decision making process of the MSAA.
Pro-shops can affiliate with:
A $15 charter fee
The owner, or manager, becoming an MSAA member
To pay for your club or pro-shop affiliation, please mail payment to the MSAA Treasurer.
Bruce Strom
11681 River Creek Dr.
Hibbing, MN 55746
MSAA Affiliate Benefits
Creates a community of archery - there is such a thing as strength in numbers, and by associating with the MSAA you are adding to the base that the MSAA uses to promote, protect, and grow archery in the State.
The MSAA is your voice at the Legislature that is specifically focused on archery.
The MSAA does the legwork to find new forms of club insurance and offers that information to you.
The MSAA offers discounted membership rates to 100% MSAA membership clubs.
The MSAA offers special pricing on Maple Leaf targets, discounted rates on Minnesota Arrow advertising, and the rental of its target butts and stands to affiliated clubs.
The MSAA offers a $500 interest free club loan.
The MSAA promotes your club tournaments and activities in the Minnesota Arrow and on its website.
Because of its affiliates that MSAA can afford to manage a conservation fund, a bowhunter defense fund, and youth archery fund.
The opportunity to bid for and host an MSAA Championship Tournament, including the popular MSAA State Indoor Championship.
The opportunity to win and be featured as the MSAA Club of the Year.
A solid relationship with the Minnesota DNR and other outdoor groups.
MSAA pricing on
Maple Leaf Press products
All MSAA affiliated clubs and pro shops get a discount when they purchase their targets from Maple Leaf Press.
Use the link form to order the most commonly used targets, or visit the Maple Leaf Press website to see all of their products.
Remember to state your affiliation relationship with the MSAA when ordering.

Additional Benefits
Arrow Advertising Rates
The publication of the MSAA, the Minnesota Arrow, is looking for advertisers. If you want to advertise your shoot or product please contact the Editor of the Arrow. Advertisers are subject to Editorial Board approval.
Please contact the Editor for more information!
Club/Shop Liability Insurance
The Carpenter Insurance Service ( is offering club liability insurance from Northland. Carpenter is based in Annapolis, Maryland and their email address is, their phone is 800-472-7771.
Check them out if you are looking for insurance that is comprehensive and competitive.
Carpenter does not have a range inspection and does not make you join another organization to get the insurance. Affiliates are also urged to contact the MSAA Secretary with any questions or concerns.
MSAA Club Loan
The MSAA offers a Club Loan Program that is available to all MSAA chartered clubs. The MSAA will loan to a club $500 with the following conditions:
Must be paid back within one (1) year.
The club must be 100% MSAA members.
Three club officers and one bank officer must sign the note.
Loans are approved by the MSAA Board of Directors.
The MSAA will have only $1000 total loaned out at any one time to all the clubs in the program.
There is no interest charges for this loan. If you need cash to upgrade your facilities take advantage of this program.